Guinea Fowl


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Guinea Fowl
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French Guinea fowl, also known as “Pintade” in French, is a captivating and distinctive bird that hails from the vibrant continent of Africa. Renowned for its unique appearance and culinary appeal, the French Guinea fowl is a poultry species that has found its way into the hearts and kitchens of people around the world.

Aside from its captivating looks, the French Guinea fowl is celebrated for its delectable meat, known for its rich, gamey flavor. Its succulent, dark, and tender meat is prized by gourmets and culinary enthusiasts, often featured in dishes that encompass the essence of both French and African cuisine. The flavor profile of this fowl is earthy and robust, making it a desirable addition to various culinary creations.

In essence, the French Guinea fowl is an exquisite blend of beauty, flavor, and cultural significance. Whether gracing the landscapes of Africa or the tables of French-inspired cuisine, this avian treasure has carved a unique and cherished place in the hearts and palates of those who have the pleasure of encountering it.


These are “large” 1.30Kg sized Guinea Fowl. Being that little bit larger and a little bit older just adds to the meat yield, the increased fat and depth of flavour. They’re very good!

  • Sourced directly from P’tit Duc – one of the finest French Guinea Fowl producers and processors.
  • Frozen at source to maximise freshness

Simply thaw overnight in the fridge and you’ll have yourself a wonderful, fresh and ready to cook Guinea Fowl just when you need it.

Product Supplied Frozen