Pigeon Breast Fillets


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Pigeon Breast Fillets
Gluten Free
Gluten Free


Delicate and succulent, wild Scottish Pigeon breast fillets. With a subtle gamey flavour and rich, deep-coloured meat, these fillets are ideal for a delicious starter. Serve with an earthy beetroot salad for a mouthwatering treat these are delicious and fully kitchen ready for you to cook. Sourced from Local Lowland estates and farms, they’re selected to be of the highest quality, and have been completely boned out to leave simply the breast meat which is great for a simple quick pan-fry.


  • Delicious Fresh Pigeon Breast Fillets
  • Succulent and full of flavour
  • Fully kitchen ready
  • Pack of 4
  • Warning: this product may contain shot

Product Supplied Frozen