WXS Wagyu Chuck Steak
Wagyu Chuck Steak is amazing and a very flavoursome cut not normally recognised as a steak cut. Cook these Hot, Fast and no more than rare, Wow!. From our Black Rock Mountain range this is WXS Wagyu that’s been grass fed with supplements of Olive feed and Chocolate of all things to create this astounding quality beef. These are fabulous quality, I know as I had to carry out some extensive product sampling!
Our exclusive “Black Rock Mountain Beef” is better known for its Heritage Angus and Hereford Beef, but sometimes we come across something just a little bit special amongst the traditional breeds we source. On this occasion we are proud to present to you, “Black Rock Mountain WXS, Superior Wagyu Beef” from the beautiful Southern Emerald Isle.
These Wagyu x Shorthorn breeds bring together the textures of Wagyu and the flavours of the Shorthorn to produce this excellent quality beef. Being grass fed packs the punch in flavour with the diet supplemented by Olive feed and chocolate to provide essential nutrients and elements that contribute to the deep intra-muscular fat marbling we dream of.
Product Supplied Frozen
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